
SPS Approach

The SPS main approach operates between its main layers: International, National, Individual:

    The SPS Project is global and applicable worldwide as it addresses issues shared by many if not most. SPS strategies are sustainable and have a global scope. The SPS plan provides an optimized model and template for national plans (Adapted Instances).

    To reach this global scope the SPS plan operates at the national level, especially as most objectives and strategies are based on and require sovereign democratic State powers to execute. The global SPS project is a template from which to derive adapted instances for each State ensuring "Sustained Prosperity & Solidarity" for its nation.

    For each country, the SPS Plan acts as a foundation for its own strategy plan, providing context, intent, motivation, vision, mission, values, structure, integrated strategies, main action axes, controls and content.

    SPS is democratic. Built by and for citizens, SPS coherently integrates citizen proposals and contributions.

    All citizens should contribute to SPS, it is their plan, for them, their families, friends, and descendants, for generations.

    More so, SPS proposes innovative and effective ways and infrastructure to support efficient government where citizens can directly contribute (24/7) to State operation and management, in addition to (s)electing their representatives.

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