
SPS Plan Container

The SPS Plan reference format, StratML, the document's containing structure, is both indispensable and determining. This container provides records, accessibility, reference, control, and memory to its content. Optimizing this container requires it's structure to be Open, Standards based, Digital (computer-readable), where every aspect can be Traced, available in various Formats, and supported by Documentation and human interaction:

    The Plan's document structure and format must support what needs to be expressed, including three fundamental values of SPS, hence the format is Public, Democratic, and Free:

      From inception, driven by citizen contribution, the SPS Plan, along with associated documentation and reference, is accessible online, 24/7, in different viewing formats (HTML, PDF, Video, ...), as well as in standards-based machine readable formats.

      The SPS Plan is a citizen document coherently integrating citizen proposals to benefit all citizens, for generations. Everyone can contribute, suggest, comment, question, and share freely. The citizens articulate and decide the future they build.

      The SPS Plan and documentation is accessible freely, without costs. All contributions, of any kind are voluntary, by individuals and organizations, are voluntary. Email contact is available at

    Standards support optimal structure, accessibility, processing and tracking. The SPS Plan conforms to the highest strategy and performance-report planning standards, with StratML and SO-17469, as well as to XML and associated standards.

    These standards support a rich and structured vocabulary, that allows effective expression, articulation, sharing of strategy plan components, as well as extensive correlation, statistics and excution performance reporting and control, for adaptability and accountability.

    Through its standards compliance, the SPS Plan can be computer processed for statistics, tracking, correllation, accountability, presentation.

    For every proposed strategy or group of strategies, the SPS Plan specifies responsibilities and stakeholders, as well as reporting controls with target and effective results and measurements to precisely track the performance of its implementation, for optimization, adaptability, and accountability.

    In addition to hosting the SPS Plan, the web site provides associated documentation. Along with text and hypertext documentation, short video clips highlight different aspects of the plan.

    The SPS Plan native document format is StratML enabling straightforward and standards-based transformation to other formats, including: HTML for Internet navigation, public accessibility and reference, or PDF download for easy read:

    • Navigate:  The SPS Plan can be viewed and navigated in an HTML document, "a web page"
    • Reference:  The SPS Plan can be uploaded in its reference StratML format, as an "XML document"
    • Read:  A "PDF version" of the SPS Plan, without performance-report elements and controls

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